Friday, July 26, 2013

never again

How silly to think that someone will ever change for me..

I am too naive to believe in someone that really hurts me a lot. Too naive ...

how much do you want to get pain?

How could you let go someone that truly cares bout you instead of a person that take you for granted.
Never trust the same person that hurt you even more than everything.

This is not lesson but this is karma Ivy. You knew things like this would happen again why did you move on with this decision. It's so stupid. Well I really believe that if someone that really cares for me would change for me. oh im too naive to think some fairy tale will happen. It's so stupid. 

To think again what i've done i feel so sorry and hurt. I promise not to hurt myself like this anymore.
Im going to leave town soon to further studies. Im not gonna waste my time with you like in form 6. i will focus in my studies. help my family in return. thanks to my family who help me alot. im so glad.  

the past will haunt me everyday .it wont stop . its like some sort of trauma getting hurt so deep. i barely can stand up again. until tat day someone stay at my side until i chase him away. IMY.
i'm not your favourite girl anymore. what i wish is hope you the best to the best.

and for you who hurt me again and again. i will never say YES. that's it. i put my heart deep in my rib cage , never let it open for you again. 

take care and goodbye