Tuesday, December 14, 2010

tiring day

wow..last Saturday when movie narnia one more time..LOL
wohoo..shuang ar
watch until bored
then night watched BRUCE LEE ,MY BROTHER a.k.a my mother hahaha
with sam a jie, ivan, DEAR and his cousin..
wat a tiring day..plus menstrual cycle lerh..
after watch we when dp mcd for supper..
can say whole day im laughing LOL my mouth could not stop laughing n laughing.. lol
cramp arr my mouth!!!

after supper..dear drove lead us went to Portuguese settlement
wow..i thought he bringing us to station pub play pool..
indeed my hubby haha..go dating but many bulbs ther...
they go n buy bir ==
of cz i will drink la..fei hua but 
dat day i really cant drink cz period ma..
but they thought i jiajia 
lol la...
dear oso make me to drink
so we sat ther for an hour i think..
almost 3 something jz arrive home..but not my home..a jie'house

anyhow..i cant believe what i've heard from him saying me........dat she................
[better dun say it here,later dai ji banyak-banyak]

i really really disappointed

having a rough day on sunday..
im not gonna reveal wat happen on sunday la
tu lan!

till here..
oh ya..currently working at holiday inn as waiter at SIROCCO restaurant
13/12 jz start..
first day working ther ppl ask me to a movie = = lol
and go mandi kolam panas = =
kinda scared
if leng zaii n chinese religion nvm la..
heheh whoOtS~ but....haiz...
haha..joke joke..
i loyal to dear dear gehH.muackkk~ love you ^^
ok la..stop here..2molo have work somemore
catch me and follow me at here yaHx


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